Ready to Download Your OWLcard Mobile?

Before you dive into downloading your OWLcard Mobile, make sure you complete the following checklist.

  1. Approved Photo?
    • Check to make sure you have an approved photo on file. 
      • If you see your photo on your OWLcard—you’re good to go! If not, you’ll need to submit a photo or schedule an appointment to get one taken.
      • Select Get My TUid from the left-hand navigation.
      • Click on the Student Tools Tab.
      • Log in to TUportal.
  2. New Students
    • Students must be registered for Orientation or for the current/upcoming semester on a domestic campus in order to set up OWLcard Mobile.
  3. Enable Payment Apps
    • Apple Pay or Google Pay must be enabled on your device.
  4. Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication Next Step on TUportal
Multi-Factor Authentication Next Step on TUportal

Checklist Complete?

Select your device type below and follow the instructions to set up your OWLcard Mobile.